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Also known as paste or glue, this typically semi-liquied invention bonds items together and is the base for almost millions of products that exist today from labels stuck to bottles to car protection coatings –and the list just keeps growing.Made from natural materials, the oldest know adhesive dates back to approximately 200,000 BC when stone flakes were glued to wood using tar secreted from the bark of the Birch tree to make spears.

Aside from the obvious plant gum being used to create adhesive, history tells us of several alternative materials that can also act as glue. For example,egg whites were used in medieval Europe to decorate parchments with gold leaf and these are patents for glue made out of horse hooves, fish scales and even mammalian milk.

The miracle  of glue is its quick state changing property. For the uninitiated, when glue is applied to an item, it easily gets into the microscopic pores of the object and changes its from into solid there by attaching two different items. Science aside,possibly the two best inventions that have come about as a result of adhesive are Super glue and post- it notes. 3M, the manufacturer of post-its has a staff of 67,000 employees globally –all of whom wouldn’t have a job if adhesive didn’t exist.