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Operating Systems

“Real programmers program in binary” So goes a famous joke in the programming world, especially popular with the performance wise. Truth be told, programmers programmed in binary once but this was when computers were just in their infancy. You’d punch your instructions on a card in the form of dots representing the binary instructions on a card in the form of dots representing the binary instructions and feed them to the machine; the machine would then execute them. Any errors were only to be blamed on you. Since then, computing has come a long way, thinks to operating systems (OSes).

An OS forms a layer between the hardware and the application program while managing other programs and keeping an account of hardware resource usage. The program asks the OS for the resources (network, disk, display etc.) and doesn't have to deal with the hardware level details such as disk configurations, display resolution etc. in early days. OSes were written in the assembly language. These included OSes such as MULTICS and the first version of UNIX which were written in the assembly language of their target processor architectures. However, later Ken Thompson (also the creator of language ‘B’) and Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language to port UNIX to PDP-11 and since then, OSes have been written in C.

The invention of the OS started the true software revolution by reducing the amount of effort required to create a working piece of code. This encouraged more and more geeks to try out programming and discover new capabilities. To this day, almost any device that can handle number crunching runs some form of an OS.